As Coventry's foremost water treatment company, Eastern Drill is your go-to resource for everything concerning your home's water. As a leading well water company, Eastern Drill has been a dedicated provider of well water treatment for 60 years. Our water specialists bring the highest quality water from your well to your home or business. Do you know what’s in your drinking water? There is more to water quality than appearance and taste.  Because well water may contain contaminants that ar

Eastern Drill is the premier well water treatments company in Tolland County CT.  In the town of Coventry, many homes rely on private wells for their tap water. Is your tap water safe? Don't make assumptions about the safety of your home's tap water. Water quality may vary after a heavy rainfall, roadway runoff, seasonal algae blooms, change in mineral content or pH. There is more to water quality than appearance and taste. The only reliable method of knowing what your municipal water or well w